
2010-08-28 10:50:35來(lái)源:西部e網(wǎng)作者:

'作者: gounliey


Public Class CZ_INDEX_INFO

Public IpSet As UInt32
,ublic IpEnd As UInt32
,ublic Offset As UInt32

Sub New()
,,,pSet = 0
,,,pEnd = 0
,,,ffset = 0
,nd Sub

End Class

Public Class PHCZIP

Protected bFilePathInitialized As Boolean
,rotected FilePath As String
Protected FileStrm As FileStream

,rotected Index_Set As UInt32
Protected Index_End As UInt32
,rotected Index_Count As UInt32

,rotected Search_Index_Set As UInt32
Protected Search_Index_End As UInt32
,rotected Search_Set As CZ_INDEX_INFO
,rotected Search_Mid As CZ_INDEX_INFO
Protected Search_End As CZ_INDEX_INFO

,ublic Sub New()
,FilePathInitialized = False
End Sub

,ublic Sub New(ByVal dbFilePath As String)
,,FilePathInitialized = False
,nd Sub

,rotected Sub Initialize()
,,,earch_Index_Set = 0
,,,earch_Index_End = Index_Count - 1
,nd Sub

,ublic Sub Dispose()
,,f (bFilePathInitialized) Then
,,,,FilePathInitialized = False
,,,nd If
,nd Sub

,ublic Function SetDbFilePath(ByVal dbFilePath As String) As Boolean

,,f (dbFilePath = "") Then
,,,,,eturn False
,,,nd If


,,ileStrm = New FileStream(dbFilePath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read)
,,,'Return False
,,,'End Try

,,f (FileStrm.Length < 8) Then
,,,,eturn False
,,,nd If

,,,ileStrm.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin)

,,,ndex_Set = GetUInt32()
,,ndex_End = GetUInt32()

,,ndex_Count = (Index_End - Index_Set) / 7 + 1
,,,FilePathInitialized = True

,,,eturn True

,nd Function

,ublic Function GetAddressWithIP(ByVal IPvalue As String) As String

,,,f Not bFilePathInitialized Then
,,,,,eturn ""
,,,nd If


,,im ip As UInt32 = IPToUInt32(IPvalue)

,,,hile (True)


,,,,,earch_Set = IndexInfoAtPos(Search_Index_Set)
,,,,,earch_End = IndexInfoAtPos(Search_Index_End)

,,,,,f (ip >= Search_Set.IpSet And ip <= Search_Set.IpEnd) Then
,,,,,,,eturn ReadAddressInfoAtOffset(Search_Set.Offset)
,,,,,nd If

,,,,f (ip >= Search_End.IpSet And ip <= Search_End.IpEnd) Then
,,,,,,eturn ReadAddressInfoAtOffset(Search_End.Offset)
,,,,,nd If

,,,,earch_Mid = IndexInfoAtPos((Search_Index_End + Search_Index_Set) / 2)

,,,,,f (ip >= Search_Mid.IpSet And ip <= Search_Mid.IpEnd) Then
,,,,,,,eturn ReadAddressInfoAtOffset(Search_Mid.Offset)
,,,,nd If

,,,,,f (ip < Search_Mid.IpSet) Then
,,,,,,,earch_Index_End = (Search_Index_End + Search_Index_Set) / 2
,,,,,,,earch_Index_Set = (Search_Index_End + Search_Index_Set) / 2
,,,,,nd If

,,,nd While

,,,eturn ""

,nd Function

Protected Function ReadAddressInfoAtOffset(ByVal Offset As UInt32) As String

,,,im country As String = ""
,,im area As String = ""
,,im country_Offset As UInt32 = 0
,,im Tag As Byte = 0
,,,ileStrm.Seek(Offset + 4, SeekOrigin.Begin)

,,,ag = GetTag()

,,,f (Tag = &H1) Then

,,,,,ileStrm.Seek(GetOffset(), SeekOrigin.Begin)

,,,,,ag = GetTag()
,,,,,f (Tag = &H2) Then
,,,,,,ountry_Offset = GetOffset()
,,,,,,,rea = ReadArea()
,,,,,,ileStrm.Seek(country_Offset, SeekOrigin.Begin)
,,,,,,,ountry = ReadString()

,,,,,,,ileStrm.Seek(-1, SeekOrigin.Current)
,,,,,,,ountry = ReadString()
,,,,,,,rea = ReadArea()

,,,,,nd If

,,,lseIf (Tag = &H2) Then
,,,,,ountry_Offset = GetOffset()
,,,,,rea = ReadArea()
,,,,,ileStrm.Seek(country_Offset, SeekOrigin.Begin)
,,,,ountry = ReadString()

,,,,ileStrm.Seek(-1, SeekOrigin.Current)
,,,,ountry = ReadString()
,,,,,rea = ReadArea()

,,,nd If

,,eturn country + " " + area

,nd Function

,rotected Function ReadString() As String

,,,im Offset As UInt32 = 0
,,,im TempByteArray(256) As Byte
,,,empByteArray(Offset) = FileStrm.ReadByte()
,,,hile (TempByteArray(Offset) <> &H0)
,,,,,ffset += 1
,,,,,empByteArray(Offset) = FileStrm.ReadByte()
,,,nd While

,,,eturn System.Text.Encoding.Default.GetString(TempByteArray)

,nd Function

Protected Function ReadArea() As String

,,,im Tag As Byte = GetTag()

,,,f (Tag = &H1 Or Tag = &H2) Then
,,,,,ileStrm.Seek(GetOffset(), SeekOrigin.Begin)
,,,,,eturn ReadString()
,,,,,ileStrm.Seek(-1, SeekOrigin.Current)
,,,,,eturn ReadString()
,,,nd If

,nd Function

,rotected Function GetTag() As Byte
,,eturn FileStrm.ReadByte()
End Function

,rotected Function IndexInfoAtPos(ByVal Index_Pos As Int32) As CZ_INDEX_INFO

,,,im Index_Info As New CZ_INDEX_INFO
,,,ileStrm.Seek(Index_Set + 7 * Index_Pos, SeekOrigin.Begin)
,,,ndex_Info.IpSet = GetUInt32()
,,,ndex_Info.Offset = GetOffset()
,,,ileStrm.Seek(Index_Info.Offset, SeekOrigin.Begin)
,,,ndex_Info.IpEnd = GetUInt32()

,,,eturn Index_Info

,nd Function

,rotected Function GetOffset() As UInt32

,,,im TempByte4(4) As Byte
,,,empByte4(0) = FileStrm.ReadByte()
,,empByte4(1) = FileStrm.ReadByte()
,,,empByte4(2) = FileStrm.ReadByte()
,,empByte4(3) = 0
,,eturn BitConverter.ToUInt32(TempByte4, 0)

,nd Function

,rotected Function GetUInt32() As UInt32

,,,im TempByte4(4) As Byte
,,,ileStrm.Read(TempByte4, 0, 4)
,,eturn BitConverter.ToUInt32(TempByte4, 0)

,nd Function

,ublic Shared Function IPToUInt32(ByVal Ipvalue As String) As UInt32

,,im IpByte() As String = Ipvalue.Split(".")
,,,im nUpperBound As Int32 = IpByte.GetUpperBound(0)
,,f nUpperBound <> 3 Then
,,,,,eDim Preserve IpByte(4)
,,,,,or i As Int32 = 1 To 3 - nUpperBound
,,,,,,,pByte(nUpperBound + i) = "0"
,,,nd If

,,,im TempByte4(4) As Byte
,,,or i As Int32 = 0 To 3
,,,,'如果是.Net 2.0可以支持TryParse。
,,,,,'If Not (Byte.TryParse(IpByte(i), TempByte4(3 - i))) Then
,,,',empByte4(3 - i) = &H0
,,,,'End If
,,,,f (IsNumeric(IpByte(i))) Then
,,,,,,,empByte4(3 - i) = CInt(IpByte(i)) And &HFF
,,,,,nd If

,,,eturn BitConverter.ToUInt32(TempByte4, 0)

,nd Function

Public Shared Function UInt32ToIP(ByVal UInt32value As UInt32) As String
,,,eturn New System.Net.IPAddress(System.Net.IPAddress.HostToNetworkOrder(UInt32value)).ToString()
,nd Function

End Class