
2010-08-28 10:52:36來源:西部e網(wǎng)作者:




Google AdSense Advertising management
Google AdWords Search advertising
Microsoft adCenter Online advertising services
UrlTrends Link tracking and search optimization
Wordtracker Search engine optimization services
Yahoo Ads Online ad management
Yahoo Search Marketing Search advertising platform
Answerbag Questions and answers service
Blogwise Blog and feed search service
SplogSpot Database of spam blogs


Blogwise Blog and feed search service
SplogSpot Database of spam blogs
Tailrank Blog search and news aggregation service
Technorati Blog search services


Akismet Blog spam prevention service
Blogger Blogging services
FeedBlitz Blogs by email service
FeedBurner Blog promotion tracking service
LiveJournal Blogging software
Performancing Blog management
TypePad Blog management
Weblogs Blog ping service
Windows Live Spaces Blog services


Blogmarks Social bookmarking
del.icio.us Social bookmarking
linkaGoGo Social bookmarking service
Ma.gnolia Social bookmarking service
OnlyWire Social bookmarklet service
Shadows Social bookmarking and community
Simpy Social bookmarking


30 Boxes Calendar service
Google Calendar Calendar service
Spongecell Online calendar service


AOL Instant Messenger Instant messaging chat service
AOL Presence Online presence service
Google Talk Chat application
IMified Instant messenger buddy
Lingr Online chatroom services
MSN Messenger Chat and messaging
WebAIM Web based instant messaging
Yahoo Messenger Instant messaging


Blue Dot Content sharing community
coRank Distributed user reviews service
Facebook Social networking service
PartySpark Social events service
RockYou Super Wall Content sharing platform within Facebook
Twitter Community site


Email Address Validator Email address validation service
ExactTarget Email delivery services
IntelliContact Email marketing service
JangoMail Bulk email service
Mailbuild Email forms and templates service
Publicaster Email marketing management
StrikeIron Email Verification Email verification service
Vertical Response Email management services
Webmail.us Email hosting service
WhatCounts Email management services
Yahoo Mail Web based email system


Employease On-demand human resource management
Google Provisioning User provisioning for Google Applications
Lokad Time series forecaster
NetDocuments Enterprise document management service
NetSuite Business application suite
Salesforce.com CRM services
WebEx Conferencing and collaboration services


Eventfinder Events calendar
Eventful Events discovery and demand
Spraci Events and clubs database
Upcoming.org Collaborative event calendar
Zvents Local events search and community


Blinksale Online invoicing services
Currency Rates Currency rates
Dun and Bradstreet Credit Check Credit check
FreshBooks Online invoicing and time tracking
KashFlow Online accounting software
Moneytrackin Expense tracking
NetAccounts Online accounting service
Prosper Peer-to-peer network
StrikeIron Historical Stock Quotes Stock price quotes for US equities
StrikeIron Mutual Funds Historical mutual funds
StrikeIron Stock Quotes Basic Real-time stock quotes
Wesabe Personal finance management and community


Cicero Lookup service for US elected officials by address
Civic Footprint Political geography lookup for Illinois
Democracy In Action Advocacy services for nonprofits
FedSpending.org Database of US government spending
Follow The Money Database of US campaign contributions
GovTracker Rhode Island state data services
LOUIS US federal documents database
Open Patent Services European Patent Office web services
Sunlight Labs US Congress database service
TheyWorkForYou Track the UK Parliament
Who is my Representative Database of US congressional representatives


Alexa Site Thumbnail Thumbnail images of web site home pages
Alexa Top Sites Web site traffic rankings
Amazon EC2 Elastic Compute Cloud virtual hosting
Clicky Web site analytics
Compete Internet web site metrics and analytics
Cordurl Geo coordinate translation
Dapper Service for API creation
Domain Tools Internet domain name lookup
Durl.us URL shortening
Ecommstats Web analytics
Hostip.info IP lookup
HTML2PDF HTML to PDF conversion
Internet Archive Non-profit Internet library
IP Address Lookup Determine IP address from domain name
Mint Web site metrics and reporting
Mon.itor.us Web site monitoring services
MyNotify Feed publication
Nenest Web forms and application framework
Outune Web map engine
Pingdom Web site monitoring and reporting
Qurl URL redirection
SoftLayer Systems management and monitoring
UnAPI Proposal for web clipboard
W3Counter Web site metrics tools
Webride Attaches discussions to any site
WebThumb Thumbnail image generation
Windows Live Custom Domains Web site administration
Yahoo Site Explorer Web site analysis service


Indeed Job search services
SmashFly Job board posting service


ArcWeb Mapping and GIS services
BigTribe Location based advertising
deCarta Location-based services
EarthTools Web services for geographical information
FeedMap Blog geo-coding
Garmin MotionBased GPS services and mapping
geocoder Geocoding services for US
geocoder.ca Geocoding services for Canada
GeoIQ Geospatial analysis and heat mapping service
GeoNames Geographic name and postal code lookup
GetMapping Aerial photography and mapping service
GlobeXplorer Mapping services
Google Maps Mapping services
HopStop Mass transit and walking directions
iShareMaps On Demand UK Postcode Geocoder
Map24 AJAX API Mapping services
Mappr Photo mapping
MapQuest Online mapping service
Mapstraction Mapping API abstraction layer
MetaCarta Location and geotagging services
Microsoft MapPoint Mapping services
Microsoft Virtual Earth Mapping services
Multimap Global online mapping service
NASA Satellite mapping images
Naver Maps Korean mapping service
Nearby.org.uk Geocoding service for UK
Ontok Geocode any US address
OpenLayers Mapping API abstraction layer
OpenStreetMap The Free Wiki World Map
Platial Collaborative geographic service
Plazes Location discovery service
Poly9 FreeEarth 3D mapping service
Pushpin Mapping service
Urban Mapping Urban geo-spatial data services
USGS Elevation Query Service Determine elevation based on latitude and longitude
ViaMichelin Mapping, directions, and travel booking
Wayfaring Map creation and sharing service
WHERE GPS Mobile GPS widget platform
Where Is Tim Web Service Location tracking
Where2GetIt Geospatial Non-mapping geospatial services
Where2GetIt SlippyMap Online mapping service
Whereis Australian and New Zealand mapping service
Wigle Wireless network mapping
Yahoo Geocoding Geocoding services
Yahoo Map Image Map image creation service
Yahoo Maps Mapping services
ZeeMaps Embedded maps and international geocoding
ZoomIn Australian mapping service


BBC Multimedia archive database
Grouper Video Video sharing service
Orb Digital media remote access and management
Phanfare Photo and video sharing service
Streamload Online media storage


cPath Medical database lookup
Kegg Bioinformatics data services
NCBI Entrez Life sciences search services
SeqHound Bioinformatics research database


411Sync SMS, WAP, and email messaging
Aql SMS solutions portal
Clickatell SMS Messaging services
Jaiku Social messaging service
Mobivity SMS marketing messaging service
Movil SMS messaging
PartySync Messaging services
Sabifoo IM to RSS conversion service
SmsBug SMS messaging services
StrikeIron Global SMS Pro SMS messaging services
StrikeIron Mobile Email Mobile email messaging service
Textamerica Moblogs
Trekmail Messaging services
Twittervision Location based data for the Twitter service
Userplane Communication software for online communities
Vazu SMS messaging service


AOL Music Now Music playlist management
Digital Podcast Podcast search
Faces.com Photo and media sharing service
Feedcache Feed caching service
Freedb / CDDB Online CD catalog service
Last.fm Music playlist management
MP3Tunes Music services
MusicBrainz Music metadata community service
MusicDNS.org Music fingerprinting service
MusicMobs Social music service
OpenStrands Music recommendation and discovery
Rhapsody Online music services
SeeqPod Music recommendation service
SNOCAP Digital music marketplace
Soundtoys Visual artists works repository
Tunelog Music metadata management
WebJay Music playlist management
Winamp Customizable music player
Yahoo Music Engine Desktop music player


AmphetaRate News aggregator
ClearForest Semantic Web Services1 Natural language processing tools
Daylife Online News Service
Findory Personalized news aggregation
Macromedia News Aggregator Data access service
Moreover News delivery
NewsCloud Social news service
NewsIsFree Online news aggregation


Backpack Online information manager
Big Contacts Web based contact management
EditGrid Online spreadsheet
Google Documents List Document management services
Google Spreadsheets Online spreadsheets
Numbler Online spreadsheet service
SlideShare Presentation sharing community
Zoho Online office suite


AOL Pictures Online photo management
Buzznet Photo sharing
Flickr Photo sharing service
Fotolia Royalty free stock photos
Google Picasa Photo management and sharing service
imageLoop Animated slideshow service
Panoramio Photo upload site with organizer
Pixagogo Online photo services
Riya Photo search
ShutterPoint Stock photography service
Smugmug Photo sharing service
Snipshot Online photo editing service
WebShots Photo sharing service
Yahoo Photos Online photo service
Zoto Photo sharing service


Criteo Distributed recommendation service
EasyUtil Recommendation service
RapLeaf Portable ratings system
Yelp Local user reviews and city guides


Aonaware Dictionary Dictionary lookup service/td>
City and State by Zip Code Address lookup service
Dun and Bradstreet Research company background data
Bussines Verification Business research services
FUTEF Wikipedia API Third party Wikipedia web service
ISBNdb Books database
Library of Congress SRW Information database search
Microsoft MSDN Technical reference library
OpenDOAR Academic research repository
PhoneVal Phone number validation service
RealEDA Reverse Phone Lookup Lookup address and name via phone
SRC Demographics Demographic reference data
StrikeIron Address Verfication Global address verification service
StrikeIron Do Not Call Telephone number verification
StrikeIron Insider Trading Insider trading transaction information
StrikeIron Phone Number Enhancement Adds address and statistical data based on phone number
StrikeIron Residential Lookup Residential directory lookup and validation service
StrikeIron Reverse Phone Lookup Reverse phone lookup services
StrikeIron Sales Tax Basic Sales and use tax data service
StrikeIron Super Data Pack APIs for variety of reference data sources
StrikeIron US Census Census data information service
StrikeIron Zacks Company Profile Corporate profiles web service
Talis Library 2.0 reference services
UrbanDictionary Slang dictionary lookup
US Yellow Pages Telephone directory
Yahoo Answers Community driven reference service


Alexa Web Information Service Web site information and traffic data
Alexa Web Search Web Search Engine
Amazon A9 OpenSearch  
Google Ajax Search Web search components
Google Code Search Code search service
Google Desktop Desktop search and gadgets
Google Search Search services
Kratia Democratic search engine
Naver Korean search engine
Vast Structured web search
Windows Live Search Internet search
Wink Social search service
Yahoo Image Search Image search services
Yahoo Local Search Local search service
Yahoo My Web Search Personalized search services
Yahoo Related Suggestions Search suggestion service
Yahoo Search Search services
Yahoo Term Extraction Contextual search service
AOL Open Auth Authentication services


Amazon eCommerce Online retailer
Amazon Historical Pricing Historical product sales data
Authorize.Net Internet based payment gateway services
AvantLink Affiliate marketing network
CNET Shopping services
Commission Junction Online affiliate programs
DataUnison eBay Research eBay pricing and sales trend data
Direct Textbook Book price comparison service
eBay Online auction marketplace
GoodStorm Online retail ecommerce
Google Base Platform for structure and semi-structured data
Google Checkout Shopping cart services
PriceRunner Shopping comparison engine
Shopping.com Online retail shopping
SwapThing Community driven swapping site
UPC Database UPC lookup service
Windows Live Expo Online classifieds service
Yahoo Shopping Shopping services
Zazzle On-demand product creation service


Amazon S3 Online storage services
Box.net Online file storage
MoveDigital File delivery and management services
Omnidrive Online storage services
Open Xdrive Online data storage service
Openomy Online file system
Tagalag Email tagging
TagFinder Tag extraction service
Tagthe.net Tag recommendation service
TagTooga Tag based Internet directory


Truveo Video search
Blinkx Video search
Dave.TV Video distribution network
LiveVideo Video repository and user community
Revver Video services
Veoh Virtual television and video network
Video Detective Film trailers, cast, images, and related information
Yahoo Video Search Video search
YouTube Video sharing and search


ClearSpring Widget creation, distribution, and tracking services
Google Gadgets  
Netvibes Personalized home page with widgets
Pageflakes Personalized start page and widgets
Serence Klip Desktop gadgets
SpringWidgets Widget platform
TagWorld Social web services
Windows Live Gadgets Online gadgets service
Windows Sidebar Gadgets Desktop gadgets
Yahoo Widgets Desktop widgets
Yourminis Personalized start page


DBpedia Structured query interface to Wikipedia
JotSpot Wiki-style collaboration tools
PBwiki Consumer wiki farm
WikiMatrix Wiki search and comparison service


