Serv-U FTP Server中文版+注冊(cè)碼

2010-08-28 10:53:19來(lái)源:西部e網(wǎng)作者:

Serv-U是Rob Beckers開(kāi)發(fā)的一個(gè)功能強(qiáng)大的、簡(jiǎn)單易用的、成熟的FTP服務(wù)器,F(xiàn)TP服務(wù)器用戶(hù)通過(guò)Internet的FTP協(xié)議共享文件。Serv-U不僅僅能100%適用于標(biāo)準(zhǔn)的FTP,同樣也包括了很多功能,是一個(gè)完美的文件共享解決方案。

Changes in Serv-U, released April 2, 2008:
* Added support for the HTTP protocol with a built-in web client.
* Added support for the SSH protocol.
* Added support for FTP Voyager JV via the HTTP protocol.
* Added the THMB command to convert graphical files to thumbnails then download. The THMB command acts exactly like RETR, except prior to transfer the file is reduced to the specified format and maximum size.
* Added the HOST command which allows the FTP client to change to a specific domain on the server. This allows the FTP server to support multiple domains on a single IP address and port. NOTE: not all FTP clients support this feature. FTP Voyager, for example, does.
* Added the DSIZ command to return the size of a directory's contents, including sub-directories. A directory may be specified, or if left blank, the current working directory is used.
* Added the AVBL command to return the number of bytes available in a directory. A directory may be specified, or if left blank, the current working directory is used.
* Added support to enable and disable specific FTP commands.
* Added support to change nearly any FTP command responses.
* Added dynamic HELP information where HELP sends all supported and enabled commands.
* Added command level HELP. For example "HELP LIST" returns help specifically about the LIST command
* Added the use of a floating buffer size when reading from files being downloaded by a client. The floating buffer size is based on the transfer rate for the ongoing transfer, making transfers much more efficient.
* Added directory rename rights setting.
* Added file rename rights setting.
* Added the "\" path concept. The "\" path is similar to "My Computer" in Windows Explorer. When a user's home directory is set to "\" a listing of "/" shows the available disk drives. Users who are not logged in their home directory can also take advantage of this feature when the "Allow root ("/") to list drives for unlocked users" is set to true at the user, group, domain or server levels.
* Changed FEAT to list special commands only when they're enabled.
* Changed the "OPTS MLST" command to be more forgiving of clients that don't follow the RFC exactly. For example, Serv-U now accepts both "OPTS MLST Type;Size;Modify;Perm;" and "OPTS MLST Type;Size;Modify;Perm"
* Added the "Perm" feature for MLST and MLSD commands, "Perm" identifies permissions for an item in an MLST/MLSD listing, relative to the connected user.
* Added the "Win32.dt" feature for MLST and MLSD commands, "Win32.dt" identifies a drive type for disk drive listings, when listing /C:/, /D:/, or /. This feature will not be returned in a directory listing if the item is not a disk drive.
* Added the "Win32.dl" feature for MLST and MLSD commands, "Win32.dl" identifies a drive label for disk drive listings, when listing /C:/, /D:/, or /. This feature will not be returned in a directory listing if the item is not a disk drive.
* Added more information to the MLST / MSLD Type fact for "os.UNIX=slink" where Serv-U now also appends ":linked_path" if this information is available to the user.
* Improved Windows Shortcut resolution to also include shortcuts using relative paths and other combinations of attributes.
* Added the ability to specify path names with spaces when using the "SITE EXEC" command. If spaces are required, Serv-U parses the file name in quotes.
* Added the XDEL command, same as DELE.
* Added RMDA directory as a superset of RMD, allowing the client to delete a directory an all of its files and sub-directories in one command. An error response indicates that the client should refresh its directory listing to determine which files and sub-directories were deleted and which where not.
* Changed Windows Link support so that when Windows .LNK files are encountered they are treated as the file they reference when listing, for the SIZE command, and transfer operations.
* Removed the -L LIST and NLST option because it can conflict with other settings.
* Perform all lengthy commands in a worker thread, freeing up the main thread to service other clients. These operations include LIST, NLST, MLST, MLSD, RMDA, RETR, THMB, RNTO, XCRC, STOR, APPE, STOU, SITE EXEC, and all other lengthy operations.
* Added the use of multiple CPUs to perform CPU intensive activity.
* Added transfer totals and transfer rates to the "226 Transfer complete." reply.
* Added compression totals, statistics, and transfer rates to the compressed "226 Transfer complete." reply.
* Added the ability to define anti-hammer limits for the domain in addition to at the server.
* Increased the maximum string length in a message file from 195 characters to 512 characters.
* Added an option to include server response values to the FTP command processor to include the numeric response code in every line of a multi-line response.
* Added an option to include server response values for individual message files.
* Moved message file settings with the appropriate FTP command and to individual command processors.
* Added the ability to set maximum file sizes for files of certain types, based on the file extension. This feature is implemented through directory access rules where wild cards can be used to identify file access rights.
* Added maximum directory size restrictions for directories specified in the directory access rules, replacing disk quotas.
* Added upload and download bandwidth limits for the entire server, each domain, each group, and each user, in addition to session bandwidth limits.
* Added additional statistics to the STAT command.
* Improved the ALLO command to check the amount of disk space available to the user, instead of just the hard drive space available. This change takes into consideration quotas and directory size limits.
* Added the ability to show directory listings in Microsoft IIS FTP Server (-h:IIS) format or DOS (-h:DOS) (command line from Windows 2000 or greater) format with the FTP LIST command.
* Added -h:"DOS", -h:"IIS", and -h:"UNIX" (default) LIST directives. -h:"DOS" lists files and directories similar to the Windows command line. -h:"IIS" lists files and directories similar to Microsoft's IIS FTP server. -h:"UNIX" lists files and directories similar to BSD UNIX FTP servers. Any other -h"xxx" directive reverts back to "UNIX" style listings. This directive is not letter case sensitive.
* Changed the operation of IP access rules. If there are no "allow access" rules, "*.*.*.*" is automatically assumed
* Added the ability to see blocked IP addresses in the IP access rules list when disconnecting a user from the active session list.
* When uploading and overwriting a file, the original file is renamed to the specified file name.
* Changed directory listings not to show "." and ".." when the user is locked in the home directory.
* In directory listings that show "." and ".." normally, these are properly shown whether or not they exist in Windows. This helps to aid both in navigation and in preventing the user from being able to determine if a directory is a root virtual path or not.
* Added the ability to see passwords in the logs on failure, and with FTP commands.
* Added categorization for users to help organize users into logical groupings. When users are placed into separate categories the Management Console can perform more efficiently as can Serv-U.
* Access to virtual paths can now be granted by allowing access to the physical path only. Previous versions required an explicit access setting to the virtual path as well.

Bug Fixes:
* Corrected an error when exceeding the maximum number of login attempts after being logged in at least once, where Serv-U would return two error replies instead of one.
* Corrected an error where certain LIST and NLST parameters did not work correctly, for example -I:"*.txt" to ignore certain files.
* Corrected an error in MLST/MLSD where Serv-U could return file times 1 hour incorrectly when the server is currently running in Daylight Saving Time and the file date and time is not and vice versa.
* Corrected a bug where "Sub-directory Inherit" was ignored when a full path is specified containing a wildcard string. For example C:\Windows\*.jpg would not include C:\Windows\System32\*.jpg even when the inherit flag was selected.
* Corrected a bug where recursively listing directories where Virtual Paths referenced the parent directory, would cause Serv-U to crash.
* Corrected a bug when using "blind" directories, where directory access to directories nested at least two deep have access, it was possible for sessions to never be able to go back to the home directory with the CWD command.

* Added new style menus.
* Added the ability use different themes.
* Added Theme Editor.
* Added balloon tips.
* Added automatic update checker.
* Added support links to pop-up menu.
* Added more statistics to the mouse over tool tips.

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Size: 4.71 MB

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