PSP3000最新破解程序下載(5.03 Hen For PSP3000)

2010-08-28 10:54:54來源:西部e網(wǎng)作者:

今天5.03 Hen For PSP3000終于發(fā)布了,雖然索尼已經(jīng)在5.50版本已經(jīng)堵住該漏洞,但是只要各位的PSP3000不升級就沒問題!

  5.03 Hen For PSP3000的安裝方法

  注意:目前必須并且只能5.03版的才能運行HEN 5.03官方系統(tǒng)升級包下載地址 附:升級方法

  5.03 Hen For PSP3000目前尚未支持功能

  1. 不能運行ISO,CSO或者其他UMD后門程序
  2. 不能運行PSX游戲
  3. 不刷flash
  4. 不允許更改你的界面外觀
  5. 不支持載入外掛插件


  1. 首先保護好你的PSP3000,不要升級到5.03以上的版本
  2. 等待HEN的發(fā)布,然后先暫時玩一些自制軟件
  3. 靜靜地等待ISO Loader的發(fā)布,并為發(fā)布人歡呼
  4. 做好購買一張正版游戲盤的準備,當然你也可以先買一張自己喜歡的游戲先玩著

  5.03 Hen For PSP3000制作人名單

  Team Typhoon: ChickHEN
  MaTiAz: TIFF Eggsploit ;)
  Lawrence Jackson (LCJ14) ?PSP 3000
  MforMature 員工: For everything

  PSP3000 Hen直接下載地址:


  HEN是“HomeBrew Enabler”的簡稱,它的作用是在官方固件系統(tǒng)上運行自制軟件。它所做的就是利用系統(tǒng)溢出,掌握核心模式的權限,然后載入定制的代碼讓未經(jīng)系統(tǒng)注冊驗證的程序運行。不知道有沒有人還記得幾年前出現(xiàn)在PSP 2.71系統(tǒng)上的HEN-D,它應該和現(xiàn)在我們所說的5.03 HEN的作用是一樣的。




  由此可以看出,HEN起到的是一個橋梁的作用,讓我們的PSP3000可以運行包括ISO Loader在內(nèi)的自制程序,當然也包括模擬器、電子書、PPA等自制軟件。但是Davee很明確的說過,他這次發(fā)布的HEN沒有ISO Loader,也就是說即使PSP3000破解了,我們還不能運行ISO鏡像文件,那么我們就只能期待有其他黑客開發(fā)出類似DevHook之類的ISO Loader了。

Team Typhoon and group lead Davee have made good on their promise to deliver a properly working version of the universal homebrew enabler known as ChickHEN, initially released yesterday. For those in need of a refresher, this enables homebrew support on firmware 5.03 for all PSP revisions, including the PSP-3000 and TA-088 v3 equipped 2000 units.

Despite being hampered by bugs the first time around, R2 turns the tables with proper, fully-functional homebrew support. Users are advised to stick to using 3.X kernel based applications, as older legacy software based on the 1.5 kernel will have issues with running from within the HEN environment.

[ChickHEN Revision 2] - Team Typhoon

- Now supports homebrew
- Homebrew Support enhanced
- Tiff image blocking in HEN (displays unsupported)

[What it does?]
ChickHEN works as a homebrew enabler for all PSP models (1000, 2000 and 3000) and allows execution of homebrew games and apps on 5.03 Official firmware. It can allow you to play games such as Bugz!, Jellycar or run apps such as pspfiler and PSPTube. Homebrew enhances the experience of a normal PSP without any faulty side-effects.

[What it does not do?]
- Run ISO, CSO or any other form of UMD backup.
- Run PSX Games
- Touch The Flash of your beloved PSP
- Magically allow the use of Custom Firmware (on TA-088v3 or PSP 3000)
- Load plugins

[How do I use it?]
Depending on your PSP Model, you're going to need a specific tiff image. If you have a Phat (1000) PSP, use the tiff image supplied in the "PHAT" folder and copy it to ms0:/PSP/PHOTO. Else copy the tiff image in the "SLIM" folder to ms0:/PSP/PHOTO. After you've copied the image to your PSP, you can copy the h.bin supplied to the root of the memorystick (ms0:/). This should be sufficient for PSP to reboot into ChickHEN.

[Can it break my PSP?]
ChickHEN works differently to all previous HEN's. Instead of flashing to flash0, it resides entirely in RAM to prevent any damage to the system. Sure enough, you can run applications in HEN to flash stuff but I strongly recommend against it. ChickHEN comes with no warrenty, no guanantee and you run this software under your own responsibility. Flashing onto your PSP WILL BRICK IT!!

As stated, HEN comes with no warrenty, and this software should not be used in conjunction with homebrew which can countervent any copyright laws.

Team Typhoon - ChickHEN
MaTiAz: TIFF Eggsploit ;)
Lawrence Jackson (LCJ14) ?PSP 3000
Cloudy: Betatesting
MforMature staff: For everything
Everyone else who gave help during the development

下載:ChickHEN for Firmware 5.03 R2

